Course Evaluation
Grading breakdown
- There will be four homework assignments worth 8% each. Your lowest grade will be dropped, so that 4 homework assignments = 24%
- There will be a (take-home) midterm in week 6, worth 26%
- One assignment on recommender systems (after week 5), worth 25%
- A short open-ended assignment, worth 25%
Assignment 1 counts as Comprehensive Exam, pass if > 15/25
Grading breakdown
HW = 24% Midterm = 26% Assignment 1 = 25% Assignment 2 = 25%
Actual goals:
- Understand the basics and get comfortable working with data and tools (HW)
- Comprehend the foundational material and the motivation behind different techniques (Midterm)
- Build something that actually works (Assignment 1)
- Apply your knowledge creatively (Assignment 2)
- Homework should be delivered by the beginning of the Monday lecture in the week that it’s due
- All submissions will be made electronically (instructions will be in the homework spec, on the class webpage)
Schedule (subject to change but hopefully not):
- Week 1: Hw 1 out
- Week 3: Hw 1 due, Hw2 out
- Week 5: Hw 2 due, Hw3 out, Assign. 1 out Week 6: midterm
- Week 7: Hw 3 due, Hw4 out, Assign. 2 out Week 8: Assignment 1 due
- Week 9: Hw4 due
- Week 10: Assignment 2 due
Annotated Slides
Introduction & Course Outline